Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Happy End of Term 1!

Looking forward to seeing you all next week for Grade 12 Sex Ed!!! I will also be popping into all your English 12 classes for a brief chat about Grad Trans after that. Most of your questions can be answered by checking out the information on the left side of this blog. First print out the checklist, then download or printout each one of the three sections (either as a form you write on or a google document you can type right into), and follow the instructions! Each section tells you exactly what to include in the package and which links might be helpful. The links are right under the documents to the left. You can do it! You may drop in anytime to room 302 with your finished package or wait until later in January to sign up for a time. At the date of your interview, all your materials must be completed. Good luck and email or come and see me anytime with questions!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Welcome Back!!

It is wonderful to see you all back at Byng! Take a moment to check out the website and see what's up with GT! I'll be coming into your classes and answering any questions in October. Until then, feel free to drop by with any questions or your finished GT if you are a keener!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sign up , Sign up, If you want to Graduate!

Sign up for an interview if you want to graduate!

It's simple. Come by room 302, write your name into a time slot, and show up on your day with your finished Grad Trans! You can do it!

Email me if you have any questions!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Here's to 2015 and Graduating!

Ms. Mckay and I will be coming to your English classes in the first 2 weeks of February to teach Sex Ed!! Happy New Years gift to you all.

After that, I will post the sign up for GT interviews and we will let the fun commence! If you are done your GT before that, just pop by and if I am not teaching I will happily do your interview.

See you all soon!